Client Testimonials >
The Rise Retreat, Sri-Lanka (7 days)
Client Testimonial
> 2-Day Intensive, Santorini
Client Testimonials
> 'Live Louder Retreat', Portugal (2 Days)
I was stuck. I had a successful career and was working hard and ‘achieving’ but was desperately unhappy and had no time for myself and felt so lost.
Katie’s intuitive approach to coaching really worked for me. She pushes gently (in a way that is caring and considered) to ensure I get to the root of the issue myself. Now I know what I want, I care less about what other people think and I judge myself and others less harshly. I can connect better with the people around me and I love myself a whole lot more with a whole lot more to give.
I am now in the driving seat in my life. I know what’s important to me and I am letting that purpose guide my decisions. I have set up my own business to help brands to better understand & engage with women.
Coaching with Katie was worth every penny. If you’re ready to dig deep and address the root causes that are holding you back, I can highly recommend coaching with Katie.
I was frustrated by the disconnect between being able to run a very successful business while being in constant struggle with my personal life. It was one of the most powerful decisions I have ever made. She has taught me lessons that every woman should know.
I now know who I am, how I feel and why, which makes me feel so light and free! I have finally started to stop worrying about what other people think. I’ve stopped being so hard on myself and am able to better care for myself. I no longer give all of my time and energy to others and miraculously that has helped to heal relationships with the people I care about most!
Katie has changed my life forever. My business has improved dramatically as a result of this work and my relationships are so much stronger.
I have learned that it’s safe to be me and to trust myself. I am so grateful to feel so liberated!
I can honestly say that Katie is responsible for dramatically transforming my life!
Katie taught me how to transform my co-dependent behaviours and self sabotaging beliefs. I realised that I was pushing all of my emotions and needs WAY down. This made me passive aggressive, unhappy and awkward. I wasn’t charging my worth in my business and I had run away from my life passion because I had lost my confidence and identity.
My dreams became big, I started drinking in life again and I was fuelled with such passion and purpose, there was nothing else to do but relaunch my career doing what I loved and charging my worth! I am now uplevelling in EVERY part of my life and am already seeing the results which are absolutely incredible.
If you are feeling stuck, lost and confused, out of love with yourself and want more out of life but don’t know how to get it then you simply must get in touch with Katie.
I have worked with Katie on a number of occasions and each time I have found out more about myself.
As I up-level, we clear out more and I evolve more - layer by layer.
I have most recently completed a 12 month season of private coaching with Katie. I was going through one of the most difficult times in my personal life while launching my second business. Knowing that she was there was a huge comfort. She held my hand whilst I navigated the bumpy road of life and gave me the tools to make it smoother.
I am far more comfortable now to ask for help! I’ve learned I’m not meant to do life alone - not least when juggling as much as I do.
I’ve also come to know profoundly that I am worthy of happiness, money and love and am able to stand up for my values as opposed to people pleasing.
Working with Katie on and off over the past 5 years has been fundamental to me creating the life I live now. A life of fun, adventure, pleasure, love, health, business success and financial wealth!
Katie creates the space for me to unapologetically let go and process what is coming up in my business and personal life. Depending on the day this can mean anything from learning through our empowered and inspiring conversations, or venting and crying to get something out of my system, so I can move on from whatever had me feeling stuck. I am a better person in all areas of my life because of the work we do together.
Not only to I deeply valuable Katie’s guidance as a coach and trust her implicitly, but I know when I work with her everything I can imagine for myself happens from love and happiness to financial and business success.
Put simply, I have never in my life loved more or earned so much when I wasn’t being coached by Katie!
I will always be grateful to Katie for everything she has and continues to teach me.
Working with Katie has brought both support and challenge in the best way possible. She has helped me get under the skin of what has been blocking my ability to be my authentic self and stop the cycle of progress, burnout and start again. Quite something after 20 years. I have been able to move from chaos as a daily norm to calm and focus.
The results are significant shifts in being able to be clear about what I want and need – essential for me and everyone around me. I am more decisive and critical relationships have shifted – helping me run my business more effectively and bring more joy to my family too.
I have found enormous value in her ongoing WhatsApp support, dealing with issues as they come up in the here and now. Katie is skilled and intuitive and her input often delivers immediate results for me. What can seem like a very subtle difference in perspective and approach can result in significantly better outcomes.
Katie has helped me reconnect with, believe and trust in my viewpoint and expertise. I feel stronger, more self-assured and unapologetically me. Business is starting to thrive again too.